Thrive has committed to paying the expense associated with medication and veterinary care while their Forever Foster Family provides food, a warm bed and LOVE.

Sponsor a Senior

Thrive Animal Rescue is a non-profit, donation based rescue organization with 501c3 status. We depend on the generosity of our friends and benefactors to be able to keep going back and saving more dogs. Thrive's solitary goal when placing a dog into a new home, is that it is a good fit and the dog has received proper medical attention before joining their Forever Family. Please help us in our continued efforts to support our senior dogs.  If you are interested in sponsoring a senior, please click on the sponsor button below and indicate which dog(s) you would like to support. In return for your generosity, Thrive would love to send you monthly updates on your senior buddy and how your donation has helped their well being! 

Thank you for your generosity!

Use PayPal to set up a monthly donation to keep our seniors happy and well cared for. Thank you!

Sponsor a Senior

Sponsorship Options:
Name of beloved senior?